
Showing posts from May, 2017

Maastricht. Expecting the storm

Electricity in the air. After the (bloody) hot day - heavy clouds over Maastricht. Rain? Storm? Shall see...

Maastricht. Reahersal of - Donna Marguerita-

At the rehearsal of "Donna Marguerita" - an operetta by Math Niël. Shall play on my bayan couple of numbers accompanying the singers. Premier is on the 2d of June in La Bonbonnière, Maastricht

Evening in Maastricht

Вечірній Маастріхт. У Кролевці вже півтори години як темна ніч та ржава вода у крані на кухні :( Beautiful evening in Maastricht. Just arrived! :) In my home town - Krolevets, UA - it's deep deep night now...