Bayan, accordion players in the streets...

Alexander Burdyug and Andrey Fesenko

Musicians web page:


My friends playing in the streets...
So did I once. And I'm not sure, if I won't have to do it again...

Is this our - bayan / accordion players - "good luck" or sad necessity? Is this the only way to earn for a living?
Why do good musicians with classical education from countries of the former Soviet Union (and others) have to play in the streets in major cases?

Is there no demand for performances on serious stages? Is the world of bayan / accordion performers too narrow and there is not much space for everybody?

More questions then answers..


Enjoy the music!




P.S. If you want to support these artists, you can buy their CDs. Do contact me from this page:
P.P.S. This is NOT an advert but trying to help.


Unknown said…
They are amazing, I saw them on YouTube, excellent !
Unknown said…
It is sad indeed that your friends with so much talent and knowledge should play in the street. I don't know how many bayan players there are in your country or "space" is there for everyone ... But I know that in France, people are familiar with the accordion but not at all with bayan , or very few people - they don't know this instrument and the differences. For example, I found a teacher who speaks French after four months of research... and he is Ukrainian ! But when I show to few friends some performances they are absolutely affected... Anyway, what I mean is that there may be more "space" in other countries that yours, and so your friends could make real concert ...
I could write about it the whole book, the huge novel about game in the street...
Why so occurs? This question always interests Europeans.
Why in the country where per capita it is necessary more billionaires than in all other countries of Europe together taken, the salary of the senior lecturer of musical academy makes no more than 200 euros?
Why people here intentionally are done by idiots by our governors, selecting at them culture, formation. The future?
After all it is all - links of one chain.
My country does not require talented people. It separates them from their hopes, their families, their dream of music and a normal life. Also expels them away. To play in the street.
Here so. Here such romanticism...
Excuse, for my bad English. To understand my thought it is possible...
Unknown said…
Yes, it is possible and I understand completely. Unfortunately, people who live with their art are very rare - even in France but also in Spain, etc. .- perhaps because we are in a world where the quantity with premium quality, and money before hope and dreams. Apparently, in your country as in mine, when you're born poor, live in an art project is a fool project, regardless of the quality and intent, people (or governors?) do not fully understand the work involved and I am afraid they do not care...
You're right: there is a whole novel to write about it!

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